Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Chapter 12 - December

Well yes I really tried for the title, but nonetheless, it's finally page 365 of 365 of Ryann Tan's journey of 2014!! (you get it) If you do read books, usually the last few pages will be credits. So there goes, these are the people who made 2014 the best of 2014.

2014 has been the greatest year in my life and definitely one that i'll remember TILL I DIE. I'll not go down to details about what happened because you pretty much know about it all. So in today's blog, before 2014 ends, i would want to mention things that i have never told anyone in life. Okay maybe I've told my closest friends? So here it goes!

Right right right before i begin, i would like the thank my daddy, mommy, grandma, grandpa, future dog/cat. Okay jokes aside i really want to thank my parents for these memories and making my life perfect because without them, i really wont be who i am today, so  谢谢你们, 我真的好爱你们!!

By now, you guys should know I'm an O level student and because this is a MAJOR examination in my life, i have become very cautious about all my results and tend to get super worked out, annoyed, and paranoid if any of my tests, prelim results or quizzes didn't turn out as expected. And many a times i actually vent my angers at my friends (mainly jia wen, Sheau Qian and xin yi) SO i would like to apologize to them. SORRY DEARs. And this is where i knew who my true friends are because they stay despite knowing my damn shitty attitude, and i'm really really really grateful for that. I really really cant thank them enough so, to Jia Wen, Sheau Qian and Xin Yi, Thank you, thank you and lastly, thank you. <3

Well, to me Jia Wen has definitely became someone extremely important to me, to the extend, she's just like a little sis to me though i"m always the "little" one. I eat with her, sing with her, shit with her (actually no, she loves to wait for me literally outside the cubical when i shit HAHAH). and so because i feel so comfortable with her, i tend to find her for everything little things that goes right and or wrong and ask for her opinion. She's just number ONE in my list, and she'll forever be. No doubt, we do fight due to different opinions because we're two total different people. and when we fight, we really do, but there's always this thing in me that tells me to talk to her and ask if she's okay right after we fight, just like sisters and brothers, so we patch back very easily!! And this is what i love being with her. So Thank you for everything you've done <3 3 years and still staying strong
 我爱你 <3

Sheau Qian... HAHA DANCE and DNT BUDDY!! Oh.. and because of the production that clashes with Os, i consistently felt that i'm not a good dancer and what not. But you yes you Qian, you taught me to be stronger, told me i'm fine enough, made time for me almost everyday for extra dance practices and trained stamina with me. You gave me the courage to be better and i'll forever remember times when i just run to you, hug you so tightly and cried like a stupid shit. These memories are  truly enough already. I wont ask for more, Thank you <3

Xin Yi, whenever i talk to you, i feel stronger, you taught me things that I've never thought of and i really grew and learn a lot as a person. Lessons will never get bored sitting with you and i know you really tried very hard for my science but sorry, i'm a NOOB at science, so HEHE I love you okay? :* 爱你 <3

Well not much friends to thank because i really don't have much friends. However, i'm grateful for what i have because i know they are the quality friends that everyone desires for. SO BE JEALOUS ^^v

Wait i'm not done, next to the teachers.

Firstly, Miss Stephanie Loh, a really important person that impacted my life and boosted my passion for dancing. She taught me that dance is not only about showing all your techniques, flexibility and skills to the audience but really bring them into the dance and let them feel you. She taught me that modern dance is not only about Jazz, Ballet and Contemporary but includes many other genres too. NO doubt, she is the one that really made my dream come true and i'm here thanking you from the deepest bottom of my heart. Thank you 罗老师 <3

Secondly, i admit i treated Mr Soong the worst because HAHA idk why but initially i didnt like him, so i gave him attitude almost everyday and sleeps in his lessons. I always thought that i'll definitely be in his "bad student list" but little did i know, i wasnt. I should be grateful enough that he still treated me very nice and best, even nearing O levels, he helped me a lot for EMaths and encourages me whenever i feel down.So dont you agree that he's a really good teacher too? Thank you Mr Soong!!

Lastly, Mr Ravin!!! Well you know what you've done for me and though you're a really damn bias teacher, i still want to thank you a lot. Lessons with you is never boring and you really never fail as a teacher. Get a wife soon.

Thank you every single one that once came into my life, tried to know me, no matter you stayed or left, i'm still very grateful that you once came. To all my classmates, dance-mates and job mates, Thank you for completing this journey with me and thank you for all the great memories. :-)

I really learn a lot this year, be it loving someone. being thankful, putting down the past, moving on, being grateful, being confident and many many many more. All these actions really wouldn't have happened without YOU. So, Thank you very, very, very much <3 I really grew a lot.

To end off, once again thank you for reading and i'll update again next year.

Loves from,
Ryann Tan <3 xoxo

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


OOO hey hey so i finally have time to blog again! So recently i'hv been really busy because i found a job yep a job at Causeway Point, Precious Thots. Do come and support okay!! So since its been sooooooo long since i blogged, many things happened, okay basically i think my blog readers are linked from my instagram posts so i'm guessing you guys follow my instagram. So you guys should know what happened recently! But i'm just gonna say it anyways;)

Firstly, i CHOPPED off my hair. Yes i have a thing for long hair and till today i still cant believe i have short hair; like WHAT. Initially i have already thought of cutting it off but didn't have the courage to do so. There were two particular reasons why i cut them mainly because of the hair quality as it was too long, and secondly because Qian chopped off her hair too, so as her bestie, i sacrificed and yeah there goes my extremely long hair *CRIES*. But one thing that i'm happy about is Qian was the one who snip off those hair!! :D and it was a GREAT experience because i was shouting like a mad dog and moving around so i guess she was pretty annoyed. BUT I LOVE YOU <3 and thanks ehh!!


But anyways, a week after i cut my hair, it was officially end of Os and then i got to go out with people to partyyyyy. HEH and i would like to apologize to my BABE Suhana because i promised to write a blog post of our day out and dedicate it to her but i was too lazy to blog AHAHAH so i didnt, but yep, i caught up with her and we went for an "impromptu" date that is planned. Yes i know you get that. So we met at 10am and went around Singapore from Admiralty to Bugis to Marina Bay Sands and yes we had lots of fun. Thanks my dear!!! Then we took lots and lots and lots of photos, which i'll show you some only okay!


Few weeks later i caught up with my cousin Grayce because i haven't seen her for the longest time, thanks to Os. So i went down to Tampines mall to meet this babe and we went for a movie! we caught the movie named 'Interstellar' but i would say it wasn't a show that deserves thumbs up? Because i don't understand the story behind it and was in fact sleeping in the cinema hahaha!! However, it was a great catch up and i cant wait to see her again!! <3

MOVIE TIMEEE Salted popcorn are the best xoxo

And just a few days back, i FINALLY met up with Qian and my junior JIA QI!! We went for a picnic at Botanic Garden and it was the best day ever because it been so damn long since i had a picnic and it is my first ever one with friends! So i really enjoyed it but Singapore weather really SUCKS. It was damn freaking hot and i had sun burns on my cheeks T^T so it was red throughout the entire day!! and idk why, my cheeks get burn really easily and it burns, So around late afternoon when the sun was too hot, we decided to leave. Then we decided that we should go to the Karaoke to sing some song. And yes we headed to Marsling CC because it was cheap there and yeah we sang like crazy kids!!
I think we got judged, but its okay!!! 




Monday, November 10, 2014

END *peace out*

Hey guys!! I'm back with a post AGAIN hahah crazily blogging recently but nonetheless, yesterday, 10 November is officially my last O level paper!! Its so crazy that a 4 year journey had officially ended and fingers cross that i wont be back next year as a private candidate (heh). Jokes aside, i still couldn't believe that i do not have to study ^half ab sinc^, n=sini/sinr and what not!! and it feels so weird that i'll be giving away all my textbooks!! Before i continue, give me freaking 2 mins to rant; I crazily packed all the textbooks separating all my notes, then i brought the freaking heavy notes from 12 story to the recycle bin under my block at the first level and it was so so so tiring. Not forgetting cleaning off all the dust that piled up like this vv

Not even kidding here!
But yeahh i managed to clear out all my worksheets and notes and i'm proud of myself :'D Ohhh i also cleaned my table because it was too messy and i really like how it looks now!^^v
NICE EHH *wink*
So since its the end of all papers, its legit to party all night and just do whatever i want! And to start off my holiday, i went *SCAPE to dance with Chylsee!! Hehe initially, i wanted to learn dubstep and waacking and kpop but i gave up halfway cause imma sucker at kpop and i just look so idiot-ish while doing those steps (yes i create my own word). So in the end, we chatted for a while (literally the whole day) and went shopping hahaha, it was a great catch up with Chyls and i cant wait for our next date to film some VIDEOs :)

Ugly photo of me but whatever, Chyls look good! ;*
OHhh one more thing is i spent my whole year of savings today T.T cause i bought a lot of things and.. i'm broke!!

Firstly i got this phone case for the cheapest price ever $3 like WHAT?! But then not long after i got this casing, i saw this TIGGER one and i told myself i HAVE to get it cause its tigger and its rubberized and its c.u.t.e. However, i had to pre order one for note 2 so the overall cost was 10. I mean like 10 for a super cute tigger phone case? I repeat TIGGER PHONE CASE. So yeahh i'll show you guys v v v soon when it arrives! :D

Not forgetting, i got a tattoo. LIKE FINALLY 

I thought of getting the same one but for real the next time but i'll see how it goes.

Yeps so byes for now while i go play Maple Story!! 

Thanks for reading *insert airing armpit emoji* byeeeee (:

xoxo love from,

Princess Tan <3 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Yop! To the one out there reading (probably no one oops), hello my dear! *wink emoji* So this is a little getaway from all the mind boggling O level papers that is causing break outs and sleepless nights for me.

Last Tuesday, 4 November it was officially the end of all written papers *PHEW* (INCLUDING D&T) finally. Yeah and there's just one last paper to go on the following Monday and yes Ryann Tan's here gonna ace it (if i can!). So this week is half way through the mince of holiday and I"M SO EXCITED because i have so many plans coming up after O's and i cant wait to meet up my friends, download back all my games and go crazzzzyyyy all night yes crazy *cry-laugh emoji x3*

So today i decided to write a blog because i have nothing better to do, and so i need to keep myself occupied! (NAh kidding!) Actually... because i just feel like updating my blog so yeah!

Yesterday, i went out with BEEWEI :D to sing some song, and we crazily waited for 1.5 hrs before the shop opens crazy! But i guess it was all worth the wait because we really enjoyed ourselves a lot!! And obviously, the 1.5 hrs was not wasted just like that, Ryann being Ryann, i pestered bee wei to take lots of OOTD photos for me, and hahaha only a few went out well, so here it goes!


Thanks for today!!!
Also, today i just realized how cute this inbuilt camera Dell comp has and so i took some photos, here it goes!

TeeHee Thanks for reading and byes for now! ^^v

xoxo love from,

Ryann Tan <33333

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blessing Day

Back with the latest NEWS

Just a little up-date; 0 Days to O levels. And yes i know i should be studying... but... HAHAHA

As you can see from the title of this blog, you will know that it's something got to do with school. And YES, after 4 years, i'm finally GRADUATING(!!!) :) well our school calls it the blessing day, but it's actually mainly us graduating.

True to say these 4 years is like the best years throughout schooling (if elementary educations were not included) its so much different from primary and elementary where everything is done by teachers and you just basically play all day. Definitely throughout this journey, i do have mixed feelings, and sometimes, i feel just like that chicken in the pot,-- aimless.

This is where my school comes in. She gave me umpteenth opportunities and shaped me into who i am today, which i'm so truly thankful for; they brought me to an overseas twinning programme with China, gave me a Modern Dance's first ever production, opening me to know this bunch of awesome people (teachers and friends), and many many more which i could not remember to-be-named at this moment.

No doubt, not every day is a happy day and i do have my ups and downs. I still remember the first few weeks of school (or should i say first year), was just simply dreadful and (lack of better words)-- suckish D: So i kinda hated school. Because i was a socially awkward person so I couldn't seemed to fit into my class.. Everyday i just go to class with a "fake mask" trying to fit in but, ultimately still got left-out.. Initially i was very down and affected because i couldn't find a friend that's real and i'm always lonely. So i told myself that it's gonna stay like this if i'm not gonna to do anything. So i decided that instead of being eager to have "friends", i should just work on my studies and maybe i could get into a better class to know more people.

Indeed, i was promoted to Sec 2 express stream and things started to change. Not for the worst, but at least they got a little better. There i found people that are truthful and caring!! Knowing that I was from the NA stream they were extremely helpful and nice aiding with my studies. I found a friend that was really there for me when i need her and till today, we are still as close as 麻糬 (mochi). So here she is:

JIA WEN , My love <3 she taught me how to play SIMS :)
However on the other hand, there are people who dislike me for i don't know what reason and people who once came to me and questioned "Why are you from the NA stream but you never once had recess or lunch with your NA friends? Are you looking down on them?" and i can surely remember he added with 'come express dai sai (big) uh?' Well, that time i kept quite, but if you're reading this blog, i'm gonna answer you now. It's not because i look down on them, but because they have their own cliques and i cant possible just zup (add in) in to eat with them right? Moreover i wasn't even that sociable with them. So these are the reason, dude.

So when i got into Sec 3, i was no longer in the same class as that dude mentioned above and things really changed so so SO much, for the BETTER:)) Yep Jia wen and I got into the same class, cause i wanted to go to the same class as her and yeah... our results was too shitty for a pure class. HAHAHA.
We went to a completely new class and there new experiences came in and before i mention them, i met this BABE <333

So i met her during OBS and we got really close, we did all shits together and had so so so much fun!!! I talked to her about everything and anything and was just so comfortable with her, Just like how i'm with Jia wen, So we just got so close and we just came out with a name: banana and that's how our gang name came about, so i am banana 1. suhana's 2, and jia wen's 3 :)

Throwback to last year's RHD (PS jia wen hates taking photos, so all these photos are damn rare la!!) worst than digging for diamonds okay!!!
Back to experiences, there were so many things that happened, and i got to know so many new people, all from different classes and even parts of the world. I had the best form teacher anyone could ever ask for -- Mr K.Sung and everyday is just filled with laughter lah!!

CCA got better too! We had a new dance instructor--Miss Stephanie Loh, and she is FABULOUS, STUPENDOUS and I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Go check her out ( she owns a studio too!!! Envious much,one that i look highly to! So basically she taught us so many things, not like the previous one doesn't but miss Loh is really a damn good dancer, she can do contemporary, hip hop, ballet, jazz, k-pop and so so so many other genre of dance so *thumbs up* and one more thing is that she's damn patient!!

During sec 4 it's where I had an experience of having a production!
And was also given the lead position!!

Then here comes awesome people I knew :)

First up: Xin Yi!! So i only got closer to her this year and yes!! i never regretted knowing her she's like a fab and i just love this fab
Then we got another gang name: DUDE
 Then i knew many many more people and here they are!

Wei Qi!!


Kai Ting 



Which basically sums up my journey, and before I end off for my major papers, Please wish me luck!! <33
YAY!! :D
So yeah, Byes for now!! <333

xoxo love from,
Ryann Tan

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fruitful Week! (:

HAHA YEPS!! This is my first official blog post :) and with the title being said, this week or should I say this few days are kinda fruitful and fun! September holidays are coming (YES) so sick and tired of waking up early on Mondays for school, but on the other hand.. O levels are coming (dems) and what i'm probably gonna do is study, study, and studyyyy. Boring and lame life. Nevertheless these are what happened:)

Thursday (4 September) 

4th September was the day our school celebrated TASAD-- Teachers and staff appreciation day, aka teachers day :-)
A pretty tiring day and the concert was so so so long :O, but its okay because there was no lessons HAHAHA. Teachers being best teachers, they gave us homework. Yep worksheets as presents! Class activity was hahah FAIL but then again i knew the people behind these plans really did a lot! So whats there more to complain right? Took some photos with some teachers but not all because i'm lazy ahahh here goes!
Jia Hui came back <3 love love lovee her:)

Mrs Sim and her baby

MDM Tung. LOve her so muchh <3

MR Tay

HAHAH i was the balloon girl, which explains why i have balloons in every photo :'D
And when i went home, i realized i never take photo with Mr RAVIN T.T

Then i headed to meet with my new study buddy vvvv PIG because sometimes xin yi is not free for me, neither is sheau qian and anyone else :'< so i found KAI JIE hahaha yays!! Kai Jie was really nice, he wanted to sleep but still came out to entertain me whoops!! HAHA okay tbh we didn't study, we just sat at the starbucks and chill until i said i was really tired and wanted to play basketball HAHAH (i secretly can ball okay!!) In the end, we didn't ball, see his face, he said i was too shitty to ball with. So we went for grocery shopping!! Stupid right! Here's a shitty photo of my face with my new study buddy!(:
Which basically sums up Thursday!

Friday (5 September)
On Friday, its the day where my kor kor fly to China (Tianjin) for his internship. In the morning, i was supposed to meet Lim Xin Yi to study from 9 hahah but then the pig me decided that sleep was more important :D (SORRY XIN YI, I LOVE YOU). 

Then at 12, me and my bro left house to meet my mum for a advance birthday lunch (for mum) + send-off lunch for my bro. Sadly my dad had job and couldn't join us :(

We went to Orchard by the way, and found this awesome place to eat its called the... paris.. hahah SOMETHING. The price was really damn reasonable for the quantity and of course the quality! look at the photo yourself and judge it. If i'm not wrong, its about $15++? or $16++? Which is really good and they do sell salads and cakes and royal puddings (wanted to try them so badly but i was too full. DEMS)
MMM FOOD (i couldn't finish it though!)
BAES <333 ft messy hair!
Then we went to shop around and O.M.G I saw CANDYLICIOUS!! which is apparently haven to me, cause i'm in a relationship with candies :* Mom reluctantly got me 2 packets of Bean Boozled because i was begging for it and it costs a total of $9.50!! hahahha love you mom!! <3
Wanted to do it with my brother but he was rushing off to China so i ended up being an emo kid and tried all the flavors by myself which some is bearable and some really taste like shit. like the dog food. Damn its not for humans and its called DOG food for a reason. 

At around 8pm we set off to Changi, had dinner and he checked in the gate at about 11:30pm. We took some photos and here they are!
family photo :)

Till 35 days later kor kor <3
HAHA i kinda like this feeling yet hate it. Well i like it because i have lived with him for the past 16 years and its like the same everyday hahha and i want my own room badly, so i kinda have a "35 days of freedom" in this case. However, sad because there's no one to joke with and watch late night movies with. Not like we do that every night, but you get what i mean.

Saturday (6 September)

Well, i didn't have tuition that day because i remembered the no-tuition day wrongly HAHAH and thought there wasn't tuition that day but THERE WAS hahah!! But then my teacher was really good and yeah we changed it to Monday! Sheau Qian was kinda bored and lonely in the morning, so in the afternoon, we actually met to "study". Girls being girls, we didn't end up studying. We ended up talking and taking snapchats and eat potato chips and use phone (AHAHHA). Then she decided to go home and sleep haiz.. 猪 (pig).

talking to my boyfriend <33

I'm really grateful that both of us was heng heng free on Sat because its been long since we come out to talk and lepak like FINALLY after asdfghjkl years. And this really made me felt happy hahaha

Afterwards I went to meet my mum for movie. I wanted to watch 'The Swimmers" but it was M18, so we ended up watching 'Lucy' which is a very vvery very nice show. i lovvvvvvvve it hahahahah. Its a story of a girl name Lucy.. and yes you should go watch it. Not gonna be a spoiler here!