Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fruitful Week! (:

HAHA YEPS!! This is my first official blog post :) and with the title being said, this week or should I say this few days are kinda fruitful and fun! September holidays are coming (YES) so sick and tired of waking up early on Mondays for school, but on the other hand.. O levels are coming (dems) and what i'm probably gonna do is study, study, and studyyyy. Boring and lame life. Nevertheless these are what happened:)

Thursday (4 September) 

4th September was the day our school celebrated TASAD-- Teachers and staff appreciation day, aka teachers day :-)
A pretty tiring day and the concert was so so so long :O, but its okay because there was no lessons HAHAHA. Teachers being best teachers, they gave us homework. Yep worksheets as presents! Class activity was hahah FAIL but then again i knew the people behind these plans really did a lot! So whats there more to complain right? Took some photos with some teachers but not all because i'm lazy ahahh here goes!
Jia Hui came back <3 love love lovee her:)

Mrs Sim and her baby

MDM Tung. LOve her so muchh <3

MR Tay

HAHAH i was the balloon girl, which explains why i have balloons in every photo :'D
And when i went home, i realized i never take photo with Mr RAVIN T.T

Then i headed to meet with my new study buddy vvvv PIG because sometimes xin yi is not free for me, neither is sheau qian and anyone else :'< so i found KAI JIE hahaha yays!! Kai Jie was really nice, he wanted to sleep but still came out to entertain me whoops!! HAHA okay tbh we didn't study, we just sat at the starbucks and chill until i said i was really tired and wanted to play basketball HAHAH (i secretly can ball okay!!) In the end, we didn't ball, see his face, he said i was too shitty to ball with. So we went for grocery shopping!! Stupid right! Here's a shitty photo of my face with my new study buddy!(:
Which basically sums up Thursday!

Friday (5 September)
On Friday, its the day where my kor kor fly to China (Tianjin) for his internship. In the morning, i was supposed to meet Lim Xin Yi to study from 9 hahah but then the pig me decided that sleep was more important :D (SORRY XIN YI, I LOVE YOU). 

Then at 12, me and my bro left house to meet my mum for a advance birthday lunch (for mum) + send-off lunch for my bro. Sadly my dad had job and couldn't join us :(

We went to Orchard by the way, and found this awesome place to eat its called the... paris.. hahah SOMETHING. The price was really damn reasonable for the quantity and of course the quality! look at the photo yourself and judge it. If i'm not wrong, its about $15++? or $16++? Which is really good and they do sell salads and cakes and royal puddings (wanted to try them so badly but i was too full. DEMS)
MMM FOOD (i couldn't finish it though!)
BAES <333 ft messy hair!
Then we went to shop around and O.M.G I saw CANDYLICIOUS!! which is apparently haven to me, cause i'm in a relationship with candies :* Mom reluctantly got me 2 packets of Bean Boozled because i was begging for it and it costs a total of $9.50!! hahahha love you mom!! <3
Wanted to do it with my brother but he was rushing off to China so i ended up being an emo kid and tried all the flavors by myself which some is bearable and some really taste like shit. like the dog food. Damn its not for humans and its called DOG food for a reason. 

At around 8pm we set off to Changi, had dinner and he checked in the gate at about 11:30pm. We took some photos and here they are!
family photo :)

Till 35 days later kor kor <3
HAHA i kinda like this feeling yet hate it. Well i like it because i have lived with him for the past 16 years and its like the same everyday hahha and i want my own room badly, so i kinda have a "35 days of freedom" in this case. However, sad because there's no one to joke with and watch late night movies with. Not like we do that every night, but you get what i mean.

Saturday (6 September)

Well, i didn't have tuition that day because i remembered the no-tuition day wrongly HAHAH and thought there wasn't tuition that day but THERE WAS hahah!! But then my teacher was really good and yeah we changed it to Monday! Sheau Qian was kinda bored and lonely in the morning, so in the afternoon, we actually met to "study". Girls being girls, we didn't end up studying. We ended up talking and taking snapchats and eat potato chips and use phone (AHAHHA). Then she decided to go home and sleep haiz.. 猪 (pig).

talking to my boyfriend <33

I'm really grateful that both of us was heng heng free on Sat because its been long since we come out to talk and lepak like FINALLY after asdfghjkl years. And this really made me felt happy hahaha

Afterwards I went to meet my mum for movie. I wanted to watch 'The Swimmers" but it was M18, so we ended up watching 'Lucy' which is a very vvery very nice show. i lovvvvvvvve it hahahahah. Its a story of a girl name Lucy.. and yes you should go watch it. Not gonna be a spoiler here!
Sunday (7 September)
Well so Sunday dad cooked crab (YUMMZ) which is my fav because i'm a daddy's girl. HAHAHA nahh kidding, i also have no idea why he suddenly want to cook so here's the food <3
So after cooking.. I was asked to wash the plates which is the worst part of cooking. But i still did it anyways!

SO yepp this is basically what happened which is kinda of fruitful i would say because its unusual lah hahaha unlike everyday!

Thanks for reading my blog and I'll update soon!! ^^

XOXO <3,
Ryann Tan

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