Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Chapter 12 - December

Well yes I really tried for the title, but nonetheless, it's finally page 365 of 365 of Ryann Tan's journey of 2014!! (you get it) If you do read books, usually the last few pages will be credits. So there goes, these are the people who made 2014 the best of 2014.

2014 has been the greatest year in my life and definitely one that i'll remember TILL I DIE. I'll not go down to details about what happened because you pretty much know about it all. So in today's blog, before 2014 ends, i would want to mention things that i have never told anyone in life. Okay maybe I've told my closest friends? So here it goes!

Right right right before i begin, i would like the thank my daddy, mommy, grandma, grandpa, future dog/cat. Okay jokes aside i really want to thank my parents for these memories and making my life perfect because without them, i really wont be who i am today, so  谢谢你们, 我真的好爱你们!!

By now, you guys should know I'm an O level student and because this is a MAJOR examination in my life, i have become very cautious about all my results and tend to get super worked out, annoyed, and paranoid if any of my tests, prelim results or quizzes didn't turn out as expected. And many a times i actually vent my angers at my friends (mainly jia wen, Sheau Qian and xin yi) SO i would like to apologize to them. SORRY DEARs. And this is where i knew who my true friends are because they stay despite knowing my damn shitty attitude, and i'm really really really grateful for that. I really really cant thank them enough so, to Jia Wen, Sheau Qian and Xin Yi, Thank you, thank you and lastly, thank you. <3

Well, to me Jia Wen has definitely became someone extremely important to me, to the extend, she's just like a little sis to me though i"m always the "little" one. I eat with her, sing with her, shit with her (actually no, she loves to wait for me literally outside the cubical when i shit HAHAH). and so because i feel so comfortable with her, i tend to find her for everything little things that goes right and or wrong and ask for her opinion. She's just number ONE in my list, and she'll forever be. No doubt, we do fight due to different opinions because we're two total different people. and when we fight, we really do, but there's always this thing in me that tells me to talk to her and ask if she's okay right after we fight, just like sisters and brothers, so we patch back very easily!! And this is what i love being with her. So Thank you for everything you've done <3 3 years and still staying strong
 我爱你 <3

Sheau Qian... HAHA DANCE and DNT BUDDY!! Oh.. and because of the production that clashes with Os, i consistently felt that i'm not a good dancer and what not. But you yes you Qian, you taught me to be stronger, told me i'm fine enough, made time for me almost everyday for extra dance practices and trained stamina with me. You gave me the courage to be better and i'll forever remember times when i just run to you, hug you so tightly and cried like a stupid shit. These memories are  truly enough already. I wont ask for more, Thank you <3

Xin Yi, whenever i talk to you, i feel stronger, you taught me things that I've never thought of and i really grew and learn a lot as a person. Lessons will never get bored sitting with you and i know you really tried very hard for my science but sorry, i'm a NOOB at science, so HEHE I love you okay? :* 爱你 <3

Well not much friends to thank because i really don't have much friends. However, i'm grateful for what i have because i know they are the quality friends that everyone desires for. SO BE JEALOUS ^^v

Wait i'm not done, next to the teachers.

Firstly, Miss Stephanie Loh, a really important person that impacted my life and boosted my passion for dancing. She taught me that dance is not only about showing all your techniques, flexibility and skills to the audience but really bring them into the dance and let them feel you. She taught me that modern dance is not only about Jazz, Ballet and Contemporary but includes many other genres too. NO doubt, she is the one that really made my dream come true and i'm here thanking you from the deepest bottom of my heart. Thank you 罗老师 <3

Secondly, i admit i treated Mr Soong the worst because HAHA idk why but initially i didnt like him, so i gave him attitude almost everyday and sleeps in his lessons. I always thought that i'll definitely be in his "bad student list" but little did i know, i wasnt. I should be grateful enough that he still treated me very nice and best, even nearing O levels, he helped me a lot for EMaths and encourages me whenever i feel down.So dont you agree that he's a really good teacher too? Thank you Mr Soong!!

Lastly, Mr Ravin!!! Well you know what you've done for me and though you're a really damn bias teacher, i still want to thank you a lot. Lessons with you is never boring and you really never fail as a teacher. Get a wife soon.

Thank you every single one that once came into my life, tried to know me, no matter you stayed or left, i'm still very grateful that you once came. To all my classmates, dance-mates and job mates, Thank you for completing this journey with me and thank you for all the great memories. :-)

I really learn a lot this year, be it loving someone. being thankful, putting down the past, moving on, being grateful, being confident and many many many more. All these actions really wouldn't have happened without YOU. So, Thank you very, very, very much <3 I really grew a lot.

To end off, once again thank you for reading and i'll update again next year.

Loves from,
Ryann Tan <3 xoxo