Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Journey of 2015

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Dear 2015, it's finally coming to the end our journey together. A year filled with joys, laughter, fears, curiosities, tears, and angers. 2015 was very very very different, and indeed things turned out pretty much unexpectedly. Looking back at all the major and minor changes, i can definitely say, 2015, you've made me grown. Well, in a good and bad way.

Let's do a little flashback...
Yep you see it coming, so at the start of 2015, i thought it would be really cool to have my ears pierced, because i have always wanted one, and my parents disagrees. So without their consent, i went ahead. (HAHAHA) I guess i was really bad, and i wont deny that i was at fault! 
I remembered clearly that it was 20 June when i decided to do my helix. I wasn't afraid because being me, i didn't read up anything about it's side effect. In fact i was legitly more afraid that my parents would find out. So basically, it was a Saturday, and there was a school event later in the afternoon, so in the morning i met up with my friend, Noorul, to study in school. And yes, we didn't study at ALL, we ended up talking about life.(HAHA) and so, we decided that since it's not productive, why not we head to AMK hub to shop? So yep, we headed to the mall. While we were shopping aimlessly, i saw a piercing shop 'Street 77'. The urge for me to pierce got OVERBOARD and so i went in after walking past it trice. Then I did it. Both Noorul and I was so shock because it seemed so surreal. 
And so here is me with my freshly pierced Helix! 
Thinking that piercings aren't enough, i even went ahead to dye my hair, but this time, my mom agreed-ed with pink hair, and she even supports (Like what even yeah?) But yep, my daddy didn't liked it at first because he said i'm starting to turn into an Ah Lian, with my piercings. But its really nice though, and i kinda regret dyeing back to brown after it faded awhile later :(

Again, thinking that having helix is not enough to cover my "craves" i went to pierce a few months later, this time, i did it with reasons, but mom says i was ridiculous and so, i wont be stating it (HAHA), but here's a photo my piercings. I took it out a month later because i was really afraid something bad would happen. Which links me to why my parents disagree piercings. So a few years back, probably 2012, we went on a family trip to China. As we walked into a semi jewelry shop, i begged my mom to buy me a pair of earrings, and allow me to pierce when we are back in SG. No doubt she didn't agree to it, and here comes this lady who claims that she is a legit fortuneteller. She walked towards us and told me that i should not pierce my ears until i'm married, or i'll be breaking all the "luck" that i have. I didn't really believed her, but my parents did. So ever since, i never get a singe chance to talk to them about poking a hole in my ears. Well, so you might wonder why did i remove my earrings at the end yeah? Because it was seemed that my ear tissue was a little weak, which caused the metal thing that holds the earring to go into my ear hold. (like if you get it) Hence, i was really afraid that maybe it's a sign. Thus i took it out HAHAH, Yep a little too much info, but this is the story.

Okay, back to the summary of 2015,

It all started with a new environment, new friends, new experiences, and new dance classes. Being a typical Taurus, i hate changes, but yet i was excited to know what's coming up for me in my life journey. So i hoped for the best and took a leap of faith to carry on the story. Little did i know, this change is MAJOR. Things did not turn out as expected. But well, moving from a place that you are comfortable with to an entirely new environment will definitely be a challenge to anyone. But I'm glad. I'm grateful enough to have met great people in my life. They taught me things that i have never encountered, taught me to be strong. Things went pretty smooth and legit, until I've met people who hurt me like a bitch (but oh-well, it's life).

*Just a little disclaimer; i love love love my class soooo much. I mean i'll never ask for anything more than this bunch of awesome people, that have led me through my happy and sad days. Times with them are really the best, and we are just a really bonded class that everyone desires #classgoals.
CLG1502 <3
Then, because of these changes, i have had many new experiences. Lets talk about dance. Well... i'm kinda speechless because i'm struggling to give up or to continue. Don't get me wrong, i still love dance as before but.... i guess this genre is just not my cup of tea. No doubt I've learn A LOT but it's just really not up to my liking. However, i met this new instructor that sees potential in me. I guess this is only reason left that keeps me going for dance knowing that someone out there hasn't stop believing in me. So to my dearest dance instructor Mr Nicholas, thank you for always being so nice, pushing me to my limits and understanding me. Giving me plenty of time to adapt, and lastly, encouraging me at my weakest. I'm extremely thankful and lucky to have met you in my life and for this, i'm not giving up so easily. 
And this is what i meant by pushing you to your limits.
Sigh. On a side note, I miss doing contemporary, i miss how we used to joke in MDance classes, and definitely miss having true dance friends. To the MD family, i wish we could dance together all over again.
Memories <3
Well, apart from dance friends, never in my life have i imagined myself to be in 2 productions within a year. Well, it was supposed to be 3, but hmmm that's a different story that i'll mention later.
Definitely, one of the production was under Stephanie Loh, my previous dance instructor. Miss Loh invited me back to her studio's first year anniversary production; Take the first STEP. Which is really an exclusive exposure to me, because i really get to work with different dancers, and have the first hand experiences with different awesome dance instructors!  

Then as i thought that i'm putting a '.' to my dance journey, another production came (hmm more like a musical). Which so, leads me involved in it after a few auditions. We did a Chinese item, and danced as 'coolies', as the theme revolved around our dear SG 50. HAHA it was a pretty amazing experience, so no regrets! And in fact, that was my first ever Chinese dance on stage. So DAEBAK!

COOL yeah?
So for the third production, our dance team got to work with a choreographer that seems to be one of the top few famous directors in S'pore. Things did not go well between me and him, so in the end i dropped out. I'm not gonna dwell into it because i'm lazy to write out the story in a nicer way.

Apart from dance, I've had a chance to become an exco. In the sense that i was the few selected ones to go through an elimination course, that sieves out the real leaders of our school. Oh... wait... I think i did not introduce my school. So... with my O level results, i went to Nanyang Polytechnic School of Chemical and Life Sciences, Chemical and Green Technology. (HAHAHA so technical yeah?) Carrying on with my story, i went ahead to push myself even further, thinking that maybe i could do a little more in poly and show what i've got. But it was proven that i cant make it because i was omitted. :( But it's okay because i still have a chance to be an OGL to lead the next batch of freshies! So i'm pretty excited!!(YAY)

This year, i picked up a new language too. GERMAN(!!!) I really love it but SHIT learning a whole new language is like WHOT(?) But well, it just means that i'm a little closer to working towards immigrating to Germany. *smirks*

Moving on the academics. WHO SAYS POLY SLACKS? WHO SAYS YOU DON'T HAVE TO STUDY IN POLY? WHO SAYS YEAR ONE'S A 'HONEYMOON' YEAR? Hello everything is so GPA-- Grade Point Average based. Like legit, even your attendance affect the chances of you getting 4.0, like what the even. Which have thus proven that POLY LIFE IS NOT EASY. And tbh, my GPA for semester 1 sucked. So it's time to buck up my friend.

All in all, 2015 wasn't an easy year, but there's a saying "a smooth sea never makes a skillful sailor." So through these little experience, I've grown a lot stronger. I've learn to be independent, confident, determine, and to never give up fighting for my dreams.
Just like what I've said in my 2014 post, I thank everyone and anyone who have once came into my life. Be it you stayed or left, YOU made my 2015 journey possible.
Meeting new people wasn't easy, but definitely i enjoyed every moment. Here's some photos of the people i met!
Awesome church mates!!

Dance Friends

Not forgetting the ones the have always been there at my weakest and cheering for my achievements, my daddy and mommy. Thank you for not giving up on your little crazy/stupid/ungrateful daughter Ryann Tan. Thank you for always picking me up when i fall, and walking me through every single milestone. Without the help of you, daddy and mommy, i wouldn't have made it till this day. Thank you for being the best parents that i can ever ask for.

And yes, to the brother that always rub salts to my wound, and always treating his girlfriend better than his sister, thank you for being such a sucker. But still the best brother ever.

Old photo, but this is the best thing he had done in my 17 years of life
To the happy pill that always listens to my rants and problems, thank you for always being there for me. Hanging out with you makes everything on Earth better and i wish we never had separated ways. Thank you for everything that you've done, and for accepting who i am. <3 <3 <3 2016 means a year older to our friendship, and i cant wait for our future experiences with you':)
Last but not the least thank you 'εƒε–ηŽ©δΉ' although you all always "LOL" at whatever i say which makes me EFFING angry(?!) I still cant believe how fortunate i am to have met you two that never fails to treat me like a legit little sister. I mean is it i have to grow up already(?) Okay jokes aside, to my Zhi Yong Dage, thank you for treating me like a legit legit legit sister, like wtf my legit brothers don't even give a shit about my life. And to the best Diana jie jie, stop calling me a bitch.
This is Zhi Yong Dage

And this is Diana
Wait wait right before i end, i miss you JP korkor. I know you wont be seeing this, neither will you be missing me... but i really miss times with you. I mean ever since i was a little kid, you doted me the most, you played with me the most, and you dominated a really great part of my childhood. I miss how we used to laugh at our own lame jokes, staying up at night during holidays to watch TV shows and ignoring me even when i'm shouting at you because you just wanna watch your show.... I wish you never had moved and that after our helper leave, you will be back.
Well, this pretty much sums up the chapters of 2015 in my life, very interesting yeah? Opening a new chapter in life, i pray nothing, but the best in 2016.

Before this blog ends, just a little quote to motivate anyone reading this, "Give everything but up."

Love from, 
Ryann <3<3
(aka Princess Tan)