Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blessing Day

Back with the latest NEWS

Just a little up-date; 0 Days to O levels. And yes i know i should be studying... but... HAHAHA

As you can see from the title of this blog, you will know that it's something got to do with school. And YES, after 4 years, i'm finally GRADUATING(!!!) :) well our school calls it the blessing day, but it's actually mainly us graduating.

True to say these 4 years is like the best years throughout schooling (if elementary educations were not included) its so much different from primary and elementary where everything is done by teachers and you just basically play all day. Definitely throughout this journey, i do have mixed feelings, and sometimes, i feel just like that chicken in the pot,-- aimless.

This is where my school comes in. She gave me umpteenth opportunities and shaped me into who i am today, which i'm so truly thankful for; they brought me to an overseas twinning programme with China, gave me a Modern Dance's first ever production, opening me to know this bunch of awesome people (teachers and friends), and many many more which i could not remember to-be-named at this moment.

No doubt, not every day is a happy day and i do have my ups and downs. I still remember the first few weeks of school (or should i say first year), was just simply dreadful and (lack of better words)-- suckish D: So i kinda hated school. Because i was a socially awkward person so I couldn't seemed to fit into my class.. Everyday i just go to class with a "fake mask" trying to fit in but, ultimately still got left-out.. Initially i was very down and affected because i couldn't find a friend that's real and i'm always lonely. So i told myself that it's gonna stay like this if i'm not gonna to do anything. So i decided that instead of being eager to have "friends", i should just work on my studies and maybe i could get into a better class to know more people.

Indeed, i was promoted to Sec 2 express stream and things started to change. Not for the worst, but at least they got a little better. There i found people that are truthful and caring!! Knowing that I was from the NA stream they were extremely helpful and nice aiding with my studies. I found a friend that was really there for me when i need her and till today, we are still as close as 麻糬 (mochi). So here she is:

JIA WEN , My love <3 she taught me how to play SIMS :)
However on the other hand, there are people who dislike me for i don't know what reason and people who once came to me and questioned "Why are you from the NA stream but you never once had recess or lunch with your NA friends? Are you looking down on them?" and i can surely remember he added with 'come express dai sai (big) uh?' Well, that time i kept quite, but if you're reading this blog, i'm gonna answer you now. It's not because i look down on them, but because they have their own cliques and i cant possible just zup (add in) in to eat with them right? Moreover i wasn't even that sociable with them. So these are the reason, dude.

So when i got into Sec 3, i was no longer in the same class as that dude mentioned above and things really changed so so SO much, for the BETTER:)) Yep Jia wen and I got into the same class, cause i wanted to go to the same class as her and yeah... our results was too shitty for a pure class. HAHAHA.
We went to a completely new class and there new experiences came in and before i mention them, i met this BABE <333

So i met her during OBS and we got really close, we did all shits together and had so so so much fun!!! I talked to her about everything and anything and was just so comfortable with her, Just like how i'm with Jia wen, So we just got so close and we just came out with a name: banana and that's how our gang name came about, so i am banana 1. suhana's 2, and jia wen's 3 :)

Throwback to last year's RHD (PS jia wen hates taking photos, so all these photos are damn rare la!!) worst than digging for diamonds okay!!!
Back to experiences, there were so many things that happened, and i got to know so many new people, all from different classes and even parts of the world. I had the best form teacher anyone could ever ask for -- Mr K.Sung and everyday is just filled with laughter lah!!

CCA got better too! We had a new dance instructor--Miss Stephanie Loh, and she is FABULOUS, STUPENDOUS and I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Go check her out (http://www.step.sg/) she owns a studio too!!! Envious much,one that i look highly to! So basically she taught us so many things, not like the previous one doesn't but miss Loh is really a damn good dancer, she can do contemporary, hip hop, ballet, jazz, k-pop and so so so many other genre of dance so *thumbs up* and one more thing is that she's damn patient!!

During sec 4 it's where I had an experience of having a production!
And was also given the lead position!!

Then here comes awesome people I knew :)

First up: Xin Yi!! So i only got closer to her this year and yes!! i never regretted knowing her she's like a fab and i just love this fab
Then we got another gang name: DUDE
 Then i knew many many more people and here they are!

Wei Qi!!


Kai Ting 



Which basically sums up my journey, and before I end off for my major papers, Please wish me luck!! <33
YAY!! :D
So yeah, Byes for now!! <333

xoxo love from,
Ryann Tan